Tuesday, 5 February 2008


one year ago I decided to learn to knit, my progress has been very slow I haven't made a complete garment yet, But I have started making little sample square in order to learn different stitches.

Don't laugh....I used cocktail sticks to hold down the corners. if their are any knitters out there I could do with some help......... have a good Tueday


Brown English Muffin said...

Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers.

Karla Dudley said...

un oh....not another one! Between you and Adrienne I am going to have to pick up some knitting needles LOL!!!!

You are doing good with these honey! Can't wait to see the finished pieces!

Have a romantic week hon

T-Baby said...

I know how to knit but I prefer to crochet. I like the samples though they are too cute.

Anonymous said...

I love to swatch, as it gives me a chance to try out new yarns and stitches before I make a commitment. Knitting is a labor of love, and shouldn't be guesswork.

Here's a hint. If you make your swatches about 8" x 8", and out of cotton, you can have some wonderful dishcloths.